Monday, November 3, 2008

Log unused files (includes, images, classes) on a website

Unused files on a website

How does a person create a log of every unused include, class, function, image, php, html (etc) file on a website? This would be useful for webmasters starting on a website that has been around for a while but has had a bunch of different coders / designers adding random files to the server. I just took over a site that literally takes up 4 gigs of servers space. When many of the unused files were stripped away, the site now takes up only 500 megs. I'm sure it could be stripped further.

Here are a few tools I've read about:
The lynx browser for linux maps hierarchy of a website
You would call it like this: lynx -traversal -crawl -image_links -realm

Inclued traces and dumps hierarchy of inclusions and class ineritance of a website

Then there's FrontPage but I refuse to touch that.

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