PHP method found here -
1. Download SimplePie
2. Grab the file and put it somewhere on your server
3. Put this code in a php file:
$feed_url = '';
$max_items = 5;
//Load SimplePie
include 'includes/';
//Fetch the RSS feed
$feed = new SimplePie($feed_url);
//Check for errors
if ($feed->error())
echo 'Error : ',$feed->error();
//Output up to $max_items posts
foreach ($feed->get_items(0, $max_items) as $item): ?>
<div class="item">
<h3 class="title"><a href="<?php echo $item->get_permalink(); ?>"><?php echo $item->get_title(); ?></a></h3>
<?php echo $item->get_description(); ?>
Posted <?php if ($author = $item->get_author()){ echo ' by '.$author->get_name(); }?>
on <?php echo $item->get_date('j F Y | g:i a'); ?>
*I also turned off cache in the include file. If you don't want to do that, you need to create a cache folder.